Teen Invisalign Instagram Promotion

A special promotion just for TEENS!!!
L&M Orthodontics is very excited to run our first Instagram promotion just for teens for the month of February. A lucky teen will win a $250 Visa card and any teen who mentions this Invisalign Teen Promotion will get $500 off his/her Invisalign Teen Treatment. Rules are simple. Follow us on Instagram @LMOrthodontics to find a photo of this promotion. Share it and tag your repost @LMOrthodontics. Use the hashtag #InvTeenPromo. That’s it! You will be automatically entered into a drawing to win the Visa card. If you know of any teen interested in Invisalign treatment, this is the perfect time to share this with him/her.
Do you want to find out more about Teen Invsalign? You can read all about it here, in our blog.
If you would like to meet with one of our doctors to ask about the treatment, we would be more than happy to set up a free consultation appointment for you at our offices in Doylestown or Glenside. Give us a call!
* The promotion will end on 2/28, and we will announce the winner on Instagram and Facebook by the March 5, 2015.
* This promotion is for new patients only.